1. Nerfing Naxxramas and Obsidian Sanctum

    What's the chances of these old tier raids getting nerfed from the 300% buff now that Ulduar is the highest tier?

    I would like to know this because I don't really have the time to run an unforgivingly hard raid four nights a week to down one quarter, while most of our guild can only really do two nights a week anyway. It would be nice if Obsidian Sanctum and Naxxramas were puggable now too. That way it gives everybody a chance to experience what they came here for.
    Edited: April 27, 2016

  2. Yes, reduce nerf maybe, since now new players have to catch up and also give reason to people that alredy cleared it to visit it again to farm achievements.
    But don't nerf too much.
    Edited: April 27, 2016

  3. Guilds that have had Naxxramas on farm can complete all of it in 3-4 hours, if you are spending 4 days and only getting a quarter done (yes I realize you may be exaggerating) your guild/group is doing something very wrong.

  4. Guilds that have had Naxxramas on farm can complete all of it in 3-4 hours, if you are spending 4 days and only getting a quarter done (yes I realize you may be exaggerating) your guild/group is doing something very wrong.
    Those guilds also took huge huge time to clear it when they were not BiS geared !
    Once BiS geared and used to things, everything became a faceroll !

  5. It took us 10 hours of raid time to complete our first Naxx 25 clear.

    We now clear all T7 content in 3 hours.

    Your raid is doing something very wrong.

  6. Honestly Naxxramas should be back to be blizzlike by a very simple reason. We are in 3.3.5.a wich means not only Ulduar is coming, also ICC.
    If new players have to suffer an overpowered Naxx, is like giving a child a spoon to break a wall. Maybe some incredibly awesome will do it, but mostly will not.
    Please hardcore players you're very cool and all but leave the rest enjoy game.
    Lordaeron is a great realm, probably best WOTLK private server and very very close to the true WoW but if WoW after releasing Ulduar made some things a little easier it was by a very good reason: MMORPG without players is not so awesome
    The request done is quite logical, no one here wants Naxx less difficult than it should be, just BLIZZLIKE.... and the most challenging endgame raid like for now it will be Ulduar, more difficult as Lordaeron is a server more challenging (in this way Hardcore and casual can have their own goals). People who really wants our server to continue evolving into a great gaming time here for ALL (Hardcore and casual) will never feel bad with the idea of lower raids being as they should be.
    We all know enough Lordaeron has some differences respect the original WOTLK like Dungeon finder (wich honestly is a possitive for the realm until now) but please WoW was very well designed and many many people will harthly thank you if Naxx becomes normal again.
    Thanks in advance to all people who make possible all us ENJOY so good time in LORDAERON :)

  7. +1 but not really a nerf just put it how the game is suppose to be, make it BLIZZ LIKE.

  8. +1 but not really a nerf just put it how the game is suppose to be, make it BLIZZ LIKE.
    the whole point is this isn't supposed to be a Blizzlike realm....

  9. Those guilds also took huge huge time to clear it when they were not BiS geared !
    Once BiS geared and used to things, everything became a faceroll !
    Their guild may not be bis you know, prolly they arent. And yes naxx is getting tiresome. We finally cleared both kt10 man and kt25 man last week and its just not fun.... Its a huge grind getting so long fights...

    Edit:Also most top guild abused a ****load of bugs to progress 25man fast and then ofc 10 man would be easy as fck... People bugging ads on noth... Beacon healing twice.... Etc ... Etc....

  10. the whole point is this isn't supposed to be a Blizzlike realm....
    When I joined it was advertised as blizzlike, and there was no information available to tell me the bosses were buffed by 300%. Now I have the time investment on the realm, and I can assure you, most of the new players that came from nost who are still levelling are unaware of these buffs, because it is not a well stated fact.

  11. My oceanic guild just rolled here; for the moment the rest of my guild is finishing leveling up then completely dungeons and tokens to enter naxx. I would hate to see it nerfed to the point that entry level is 78-79 blues / greens. Keep it the same

  12. I have no idea about the state of 25man. But me and my group of 10 friends who joined the server was finally able to enter Naxx 10 man last monday (gs about 3600 on every player) and noticed it was super-buffed. Was really looking forward to 10man raiding, but man was it tough xD.

    We like a challenge and all, but the buff is pretty extreme for 10man raiding guilds. We as a guild would really appreciate a slight nerf of the 10man Naxxramas!

    Other than that, cheers for a really great server //True Korea

  13. It should be kept the same, new players that are still leveling are playing it for the same reason that the raids are buffed! Dont mess this for new players, they want to experience buffed naxx and other things too. It's not THAT hard afterall.

  14. I didn't realize some people struggle with theses encounters so greatly, but I'm very happy about it. It seems as though some people are just playing here because they think it's awesome how big the server is, but they still want free loot. They don't understand why this server is truly awesome for the most part.

  15. I agree..boost should be removed and raids should be as they were...my friend and i had great hopes of clearing lvl 70 dungeons just for fun,and then we found out that you need like 10 lvl 80 people to do em....and he quit.And now im leveling alone. THANKS WARMANE !

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