1. Saronite/Titanium mining.

    I was thinking of creating a new report on the bugtracker, but I'm not sure if it's a bug to begin with., just wanted others opinion.

    So I've noticed that as of today titanium started spawning a lot more often than usual. About 2 or 3 times more often than before. Now the "empty titanium node" bug has been present for a while and was reported, but it happened quite rare. Today about 1 in every 3 or 4 nodes is empty. Another thing that I noticed as of today is 2-3 nodes on top of each other. I don't remember it happening before. Anyone else noticed these things or am I just seeing things?

    Side note: Is saronite and titanium too abundant in Icecrown to begin with? Compared to herbalism a stack of saronite/titanium is about 4 times cheaper than Icethron/lichbloom/frost lotus.

  2. There's definitely some bugs with titanium/saronite ore.

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