1. Help, how to PvP Ret Paladin

    Hello to everyone, I've a player that is a Retribution Paladin. MISTS OF PANDARIA.

    I want to increase the power of the spells, because I use almost only those, the melee attacks are rare. Some tell me that the ret paladin needs of statistics "strength", others say to increase the "intellect". What should I do? What are the statistics that I prefer?

  2. Retri? Strength mainly and you can put up some haste.

    And actually, most of your attacks are physical (melee), Templar's Verdict (Strongest attack you have), and Crusader Strike, while Judgement, Exorcism, Holy Wrath and Consecration are spell attacks, but they don't hit nowhere as hard as the other two nor you use them as often.

  3. Your biggest stats for throughput as a Retribution paladin in MoP pvp are strength and pvp power. These benefit both your damage and your healing.

    Other stats are haste until 20% and then you choose crit OR mastery (not both); crit is for burst and stronger healing, mastery is for more consistent/sustain damage (mastery is less popular).

    You can check my MoP Retribution guide here: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=325568

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