1. Molten frostwolf friends

    hey guys i returned to wow i was from molten wow frostwolf when it was a cata server i were with the alliance and the horde also i was with crusaders of lordaeron guild and also i got some friends from hord like spymount my best friend and CCC guild ans others like AIO and the renaissance guild i just want to know if u still there we were the first molten players in cata and also the hermes the ***** make us lose all our progress and kills but i wanna say thnx to molten for let us the game still free we play for fun hope some old friends from KNIGHTS OF WOW OR CCC OR EDGE OF ETERNITY OR RENAISSANCE OR SPY ANSWER ME NASRR IS BAAAAACK TO THE WOW COMMUNITY AFTER 2 YEARS XD AND IF A MOLTEN STAFF IS ALSO HERE I WANNA TALK WITH HIM IN PRIVATE HOPE U A GOOD GAME ALL I DONT KNOW WHAT IS THE CHANGES THNX FOR ALL

  2. Hi its Kemi from Edge of Eternity, I don't know of many old players still here except from Horribull on horde. :( everyone seems to have forgotten about cata.

  3. Aren't you that mage who threatened me with ''Allah will punish you with the eternal fire'' in Twin peaks or I'm wrong???

  4. Old Frostwold players... Damn I miss those days :D

  5. Cata at this state is kinda dead.

    I don't know of Molten Helpers, The KBNG, Warden Clan, or Azaroth Twerk Team ring a bell to you.

    This king is long dead and onoy but a meer ghost, that later went to Stormstout before YKW.

  6. delenis true lol u still on wow or u quit btw hi kemii that was too much long whats happen to Aio and EOE

  7. delenis true lol u still on wow or u quit btw hi kemii that was too much long whats happen to Aio and EOE
    I'm still playing some times, but not very active :D
    Edited: July 16, 2016

  8. <<<< Frostwolf player and also part of <CCC>. I only know of 2 to 3 other players from <CCC> that still play Cata.

  9. arson they are 3 me and trebelz and djebel others idk i just ask for simplicity didnt found him delenis thats nice i will kill u XD hope the lord spy is back again to kill all allies

  10. hi kemii that was too much long whats happen to Aio and EOE
    we all quit.
    A few of us play league, a few are on retail and the rest sort of just disappeared.
    good memories to look back at though.

  11. arson they are 3 me and trebelz and djebel others idk i just ask for simplicity didnt found him delenis thats nice i will kill u XD hope the lord spy is back again to kill all allies
    Last time I saw simplicity was in blizzard server:


  12. arson they are 3 me and trebelz and djebel others idk i just ask for simplicity didnt found him delenis thats nice i will kill u XD hope the lord spy is back again to kill all allies
    Lol Hello there, been a while since I've seen you last time =)

    There was a bunch of us old frostwolf-ers held up in Jinxed right after we all restarted on Neltharion. You might find other old fw players still active in there, but most of us went inactive. Me and our little premade group went playing on retail since couple months ago.

    Btw @Delenis, you gonna play on Legion as well?

  13. Lol Hello there, been a while since I've seen you last time =)

    There was a bunch of us old frostwolf-ers held up in Jinxed right after we all restarted on Neltharion. You might find other old fw players still active in there, but most of us went inactive. Me and our little premade group went playing on retail since couple months ago.

    Btw @Delenis, you gonna play on Legion as well?
    Not for the moment. maybe in 6 months if everything goes fine.
    Edited: July 24, 2016

  14. arson they are 3 me and trebelz and djebel others idk i just ask for simplicity didnt found him delenis thats nice i will kill u XD hope the lord spy is back again to kill all allies
    I remember you guys. <CCC> was a nice community.

  15. Gambet/Xceptional/Ripinpeace of EoE, CCC, and Is a Cookie here. Cataclysm is dead. It's better to play Wotlk or Retail.

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