1. Best DPS class for PVE (Icecrown)

    Who is best dps class and spec for wotlk 3.3.5a ?

  2. I'd say bis fury war with smourne but i could be wrong. Depends on encounter and buffs in the end.

  3. fury war>fire mage>combat rouge assuming full BiS

  4. In my experiance for end game its the best player. I saw every single class on the top of the dps meter at least one time while doing 25 hc ICC and RS

  5. fury war>fire mage>combat rouge assuming full BiS
    ^this is the correct answer.

  6. The answer depends on what fight, raid comp, if everyone is doing their jobs and moving effectively, and skill.

    Someone like a shadow priest can do sweet damage but if they are paying attention to the raid and see healers need help they need to help heal the raid too. (same can be said for other classes but, you know, mana is a thing)

  7. btw y... can someone shpw statistics for the hybrid classes as well?.. it is just, you can do screen-sized numbers of dmg, but see that a fr is getting Very dead, and your one thing to do is the Gift of the Naaru... which is very cool, but has quite some cd :(

  8. Fury, Frost dk, Hunters,Mages and rets at the moment.
    From a 25hc grun @ dbs

  9. Fury, Frost dk, Hunters,Mages and rets at the moment.
    From a 25hc grun @ dbs
    ^this pic shows nothing, a bis skilled fury will beat a dk always.


  10. Fury, Frost dk, Hunters,Mages and rets at the moment.
    From a 25hc grun @ dbs
    Just because your guildies aren't able to perform properly or just because they're lacking gear that doesn't directly translate to the fact that DK's are top DPS'ers. They aren't. I'm yet to find a DK that can even get near my hunter.

    Also I'm kindly impressed how Rogues are not being included in the lists refered by multiple players in this thread.

  11. Why are you guys acting so passive agressive, i just listed the classes that are the highest dps atm, its pretty obvious a bis sm warrior would come 1st.

    Aren't able to perform? what do you mean by that? most classes took a hit in dps on the new core, the dps is actually pretty good overall for a bunch of alts. stop talking trash im sure you even raid weekly on this new core in hc.

    Personal experience:
    Sm fury>fdk>hunters>rets>mages

  12. Aren't able to perform? what do you mean by that? most classes took a hit in dps on the new core, the dps is actually pretty good overall for a bunch of alts.
    Maybe instead of acting like you're a victim you should try posting results that are actually relevant, not some knowingly skewed recount. Should I join a pug and post the DPS as the current standard?

  13. Also I'm kindly impressed how Rogues are not being included in the lists refered by multiple players in this thread.

    Halion 25hc.

    p3 before enrage rekt us

    If Faceroller wouldn't derp around he'd be above me. Fury warr --> Fmage/Combat rogue. But in the end it depends on RNG gods the guy with more crits/talent procs wins :)
    Edited: July 19, 2016

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