1. [A] Nothing is Eternal

    Hello everyone my name is Stan and i am the Guild Master of Nothing is Eternal.
    We are a Social/PvE guild with daily raids. Everyone can join regardless of his level or gear.

    A little bit about us. Well we are not a hardcore raiding guild and that's not our goal. Our goal is a friendly and fun environment with casual raids. We have pretty good raid progress. We try our best in raids. We help and support each other all the time.
    If you are toxic,rage,cry bout items,disrespect others or get impatient you might as well click the X on the top right corner now. We do not tolerate such behavior. We respect you, you respect us. That's how it goes.
    We use "Teamspeak" to hangout and raid. We have grown to 350+ members.
    We have our own webpage too - http://nothingiseternal.shivtr.com/ !!!
    If you have more questions or you are ready to be a part of our big fat family be sure to whisper the following: Nemtheanga,Stanllie,Khorneflakes,Swaglina,Fantasyf lash.
    We would be happy to have you.

    Thank you for reading our article and we hope to see you soon. :) Cheers !

  2. Nah. Still not a good guild leader. Some of the people are good people but Stan himself, from personal experience, is an overly emotional control freak who gets mad when his officers try and actually get progress done in a raid.

  3. Instead of talking **** about other people you might wanna look at your self ;) I dont get mad when my officers get progress. Im actually quite happy. What gets me mad is some random guy coming to my guild and wanting to change it. Thinking he is better than everyone else. Demoting left and right for the smallest stuff. Thats what makes me mad ;)

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