1. Droprate dungeon changed?

    When I was level 30ish-35ish I got boosted by a 70priest in SM the amount of blue boe's that dropped was huge tough no bosses dropped loot(this is fixed) we got like atleast 5 per run he took em all tough but it was up to 15 boe's per run. now when im 70 and making alts im grinding dungeons af, but I never get any blue boe's am I just super unlucky or did this change? in that case why? Ive runned SM all of em plenty of time to test my luck I got 1 blue out of 10 runs and Ive tried above lvl 40 dungeons like rfd uldaman and such NO drops there either. what is going on? why take this away from us.


  2. You're seriously complaining about the possibility of something being fixed?

  3. was just asking if this was fixed or I was just super unlucky, but it seems like it was "fixed" but green drops are not fixed so it sadens me they fixed this before the greens.

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