1. whats up with the trick?

    Whats up with the trick you tryin to pull with donation bonus?

    Before the donation bonus was active you can buy 375 points for 300 euros. Wich i equated to 23points per piece, but pieces was 25+ offten. Now its 426 or somthing? that is NOT! a 130 + bonus points or what ever it says in shop!

    Why are you trying to trick members?

  2. As ilvl goes up, so does the price of the item. Light's Justice, when I got it for my Priest some months ago, was 23 coins. It still is 23 coins, but now there are higher ilvl items out, which obviously should cost more.

  3. (Mercy seems to be in a different frame of mind, I do not think she is answering your question, but rather one of "why do items cost so many coins?")

    To answer the "bonus coins" question I believe you are asking - Prior to the Holiday Bonus, 300EUR would purchase 375 coins (a 20% bonus over the perceived market value of 1:1 coins to euros).

    Now that the bonus is in effect, you may spend 300EUR to purchase 426 coins (a 40% bonus over the perceived market value of 1:1 coins to euros).

    The phrasing used by Warmane staff has confused some, as it's not a 40% bonus over what was previously available; it is an increase to 40% bonus coins over market value (from a normal 20ish%). It also has been variably applied. The full 40% only comes from top tier donation. Lesser bonus is awarded to lower tier donations, but still more of a bonus than was previously available.

    Hope that clears things up!

  4. What I understood from his post is that his complaint was that we were artificially raising the price of items at the same time of applying the bonus. To which my post debunked.

  5. Could be as you say. I was confused by the 23points per piece, but I see that he was probably stating 23 coins to purchase an item (ilvl 125), yet now sees similar items for 25 coins (ilvl 134). The bits about the 375 for 300 and "now it's 426" led me to believe he was confused over the bonus structure.

    Que sera sera.

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