1. Most enjoyable class in TBC??

    Hey there guys, im trying to look for a class thats fun to play, and doesnt get stale in TBC. I was leveling my rogue, but everyone and their mother plays a rogue. Anyone have an opinions?

  2. Try them all!

    Ostensibly, the best answer to such a question is going to be one of the hybrids. Unless you can provide some inkling of what types of playstyle you enjoy.

    Druid is probably the most versatile class, though each of it's roles is a bit more mundane than a pure-bred counterpart. Cat is a bit linear and dull compared to rogues. Bear tanking is nice for big damage numbers, but has fewer tools in the toolbox than Warriors. Boomkin is a comparable playstyle perhaps to a mage, but takes dedication and focus to sustain big numbers. Restokin is a capable healer, but frequently amounts to "Just keep hots on everything", and is sadsauce when you're the only rez class in your 5-man, and two people die (20m CD on rez).

    Paladins are probably the next most versatile. Ret dps is straightforward and sub-par on the surface, but takes some coordination and party synergy to really shine and top charts. Holy I don't have a lot of experience with, but is another straight forward healing style - HP bars go down, hit one of two heals over and over (as a gross simplification of things). Tankadin is probably the most 'engaging' of the tank classes (if you want to call it that), requiring the juggling of a few spells, on top of mana management, but definately makes for exciting times just AoE-blasting things down with a group.

    We could probably provide you better feedback if you knew what situations you like to play in (solo, pvp-arena, pvp-bg, casual dungeons, progressive raiding, etc.), and what style you like to play with ("one trick pony" dps chart topper vs. "oh god I have 17 buttons to hit and half the raid is standing in fire" savior vs. "I want to obliterate unsuspecting lvl 40s in Stranglethorn")

  3. druid. Instant cast mount, can herb and loot while in flight form, has all 4 specs (tank, healer, caster and melee) and each are viable for the most part. You get a travel form relatively low level and with your melee form you have 90% as good stealth as rogue so thats fun. I can kill most classes except like lock and sometimes mage if they jump me. Up to you with this server especially and free talent respec i play all 4 pretty regularly

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