1. 10-man Core [A] Seeking Shaman for Weekly ICC

    Greetings, Icecrown.
    I have a 10-man core group that is in need of a DPS shaman with a healing offset. Our current shaman is quitting the game, and in order to continue raiding, we need to replace him ASAP. Here is some info about our group.

    1. We are a group of English-speaking players from NA ages 25+. We all have experience with retail WotLK, and would consider ourselves to be good players. We all recently leveled to 80 and geared ourselves for ICC. Currently, we are 10/12 after our second week of ICC.
    2. We will be starting Lich King attempts this week, and will begin HC mode ICC very soon.
    3. Our current raid times are 8:00pm EST (1:00am server time). Days are Friday and Saturday for now, but that may change as we would rather have a weekend night off.
    4. Current comp. is DK/Dudu tanks, Rog/War melee, Lock/Spriest/Hunter rdps, and Hpal/Rdudu heals.

    Please know that we are not looking for someone to “carry” us. We are looking for someone that wants to share in an authentic raiding experience with us. The gear is the easy part; we need a good shaman.

    **Please contact Amaryn, Kopeland, or Bluetank in-game for more information. Thank you for your time.**

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