1. [H] <Deja Vu> PvE Focused Guild - Saturday and Sunday 15:30 Server Time

    We're a non pay-to-win guild that just recently hit 70 and want to progress through the raids as they were intended. The core has experienced leadership ranging from late Vanilla, TBC, and Wotlk. We're working on filling our 2nd Kara group and starting to shift our focus on 25 mans. We value maturity, respect, and camaraderie. If you aren't a social person then this isn't the right guild for you.
    Availibility ------------------------------------------------------Current Roster
    [Protection Warriors - Extremely Low] ---------- 3
    [Fury Warriors - Low] ---------------------------------------------4
    [Arms Warriors - Needed]-----------------------------------0
    [Restoration Shaman - Med]-------------------------------2
    [Enhance Shaman - High]-------------------------------------1
    [Elemental Shaman - Needed]---------------------------0
    [Protection Paladin - Extremely Low]----------------1
    [Ret Paladin - Extremely low]-------------------------------1
    [Holy Paladin - Medium]---------------------------------------2
    [Balance Druid - NEEDED]-----------------------------------0
    [Tank Druid - NEEDED]------------------------------------------0
    [Resto Druid - NEEDED]----------------------------------------0
    [Hunter - Medium]----------------------------------------------------3
    [Mage - Low]--------------------------------------------------------------5
    [Shadow Priest - Low]---------------------------------------------2
    [Holy Priest - NEEDED]------------------------------------------0
    [Rogue - High]------------------------------------------------------------3
    [Warlock - High]--------------------------------------------------------3

    ***We are willing to consider ANYONE that exhibits exemplary skill/performance within their class***

    Feel free to message me here, write in-game mail, or speak in game with the following members.
    Empathy - GM
    Mistabones - Council
    Chlam - Council
    Knurled - Council
    Vermillion - Council
    Fannybatter - Council
    Coolgamer - Melee Leader
    Heelbot - Healing Leader
    TBD - Caster Leader
    Edited: March 4, 2018 Reason: Formatting

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