1. July 5, 2018  

    Looking for gladiator coach

    Hey been a rogue player past 9 years or so, i got competive into arenas when i was 12 age old, i understand the game mechanics of what vanish blind is or shadow word death sheep is, that i can sap after 6 seconds, cyclone for example i understand those kinds of mechanics OR shiving off Berserker rage from warriors and Feral druids dmg buff.

    now today i got over 2500 + games played, still not gettin anywhere over 2k+ rating my dream goal is to get gladiator title.

    if there's anyone out here who could lend me aid over what, rogue discpriests videos are actually good and where i can find some information and creative ideas over what i can do against certain combinations.

    i think roughly 50-80 % of our loses is against dk/war healer teams and hunter teams i honestly dunno what to do there man, it's very hard, knowing that a hunter has 3 x stun traps to throw out that just has 30 seconds cooldown(Right now i lost 25 games in a row versus resto shaman and hunter, we tried going for shaman a couple of games didn't work at all hunter just had more dmg on me than what we both did do on shaman, so we tried sapping shaman and going for hunter this, went great untill he started laying out frost trap, then snake trap after that one and boom all of a sudden i get into this akward position where it's like if i shadow step hunter will pop disengage and keep kiting me, if i don't he'll still kite me(So what i do is run behind a pillar and hopefully he tries to get there and then i attack him once again, the problem with this tactic is that my priest partner gets oom b4 they get oom.

  2. July 5, 2018  
    I played many rogues on retail, icecrown, blackrock, never passed 2k1. The class is hard to master and you get oneshotted just by DK dots. When I played FrMage/Rogue we lost only vs DK teams we tried everything nothing worked. It's normal you loose vs DK. Hunter aswell may be a problem.
    Anyway, after all these years you should have learned the Rogue playstyle, you're not a warrior or a dk that stands in middle and tanks everything while healer sits down and drinks, you need to abuse pillar with your partner most of arenas and keep running around it until your cds reset. Hunter should die in a shadowdance, if you disarm him right (most of them trinket cheapshot and deterrence), plus you are not alone so few ambush + disarm on Cheap Shot + your mate dps should be enough to kill him before he can deterrence, or gets HoP'd or Pain Supp and similar. If he doesn't die, just don't follow him slowed af like a ******, go back to the pillar, wait cds, repeat. This tho is a 3v3 tactic that I use, and it was an example.
    You play 2s with a disci, you need a lot of coordination (and patience), specially vs pala war, double fear is crucial, but hard to do vs brained people cuz pala will stay 40 yards from warriors with shadow resi aura, so if your priest abandon pillar to rush pala for a fear the warrior pretty much kills him in 2 seconds, not to mention u will never have a double fear, one time warrior berserk rage the next time pala trinket and dispel warrior, the next time war has again berserk rage..but we are talking about 3 double fear in a row, u understand this is impossible unless your opponents are at 1200...usually rogue can swap to pala after a fear and mana burn/burst him but again, you need to fear the pala. Im not a gladiator to tell u what to do and what not to do, but I give u my experience: i dont even try to shiv berserk rage, i tried one time and it went off after 4 tries (basicaly i wasted all my energy, and btw the buff was almost finishing so...) because of rng. Same for gouges. They never enter, always dodge parry block miss i can remove that **** from my bars.
    In few words: I can unerstand you aim at gladiator but I think rogue is not the best class to try it. Maybe you should aim lower and enjoy the game for what it is, rogue is very very frustrating because it's too much rng dependent, and it's hard to climb the ladder when you face only pala war.

  3. July 5, 2018  
    Actually u never tryhard to get doublefear against warpal, just gouge pal and fear warrior.

  4. July 6, 2018  
    Actually you never saw a decent paladin that sits the entire arena at max range spamming cleanse and FoL.
    Or maybe you play againt those mongos that comes in melee to you for no reason like saying "Please fear me, please gouge me".
    Btw did u reach 1300 for the waist or ure still trying to get rating? Season ends in 2 days u better hurry up.

  5. July 6, 2018  

  6. July 6, 2018  
    Saewelo's Avatar
    Your best bet is checking top rogues on ladder and contact them.
    I'm no glad, but some tips that I can give you:
    Pool your energy, don't waste it with mindless spam. It sucks to not be able to do a disarm or kick in some critical moments.
    Use shiv to kite (if needed), no need to tryhard dispelling with it.
    Try to eat hunter traps (eg. if you see your priest is scattered run to him and try to get yourself trapped), as he can dispel it.
    Be sure your priest is dispelling your kill target, he should also assist you with kills if possible.
    Gouge is great, abuse it. Re-saps (and re-stealths in general) are important.
    Get an addon like combatindicator if you don't have one already.
    Idk there is a lot of stuff that you can do in order to improve.

    Here's a link of marm playing rog/disc (most games vs disc/hunt which i understand you're having problems against):

    I recommend watching other vids too, you can learn a lot from them.
    Recording your games can also help as you can see exactly what you do wrong/what you could've done better.

  7. July 7, 2018  
    Watching videos is always good, but yes the meta kinda changed, today for example I played some Shp-Rogue, a comp that I used to farm hpal war without even using evasion, and we lost them all. We already know paladin rushes with sacrifice to the Priest, so the only tactic is sap him, go towards the warrior, fear the paladin over the sacrifice/sap, and start on the warrior together. Problem is warrior is 60 yards away from paladin behind a pillar on mount, and you don't have much time to see what he is gonna do so you kinda need to hurry with cheap shot. And your Priest needs to be fast aswell, but he needs to dismount to Fear pala, and then mount again if war is behind pillar, or anyway walk a bit to reach the warrior. Everytime we tried this tactic, the paladin trinketed instant the Fear to HoJ the Priest, so he was delaying his damage/opening on warrior which is what makes pressure, and a war can tank a Rogue alone with no problem, he can't die with only few ambushes. So the risk you land a full stunlock on the warrior without not even SW:P on him it's high, the ideal should be Cheap Shot and Priest is already casting Vampiric Touch, in this way combined with a silence on the paladin, the war most likely shield wall or just die if disarmed. But if he tanks the rogue, and priest wastes time in middle with pala, and then war start to charge priest and presure him, it's hard to recover from it.
    So we tried to sap war, and go pala, he bubbled first burst but the warrior literally wrecked my priest (he berserker rage sap when I came out on pala, charged priest, and when berserker rage was going off > recklessness to be immune from fears again, and forcing the priest to disperde, or disarm, he can't tank recklessness). Also I couldn't even shadowstep warrior to make some peel because they were too distant each other, as always.
    We tried pillar turtling, i died in evasion while kiting war in deadzone. Literally 0 chance. Not to mention the disarm on BS parried and every gouge dodged.
    Then we met shadowp mage, no comment
    Then we met holy pala dk, no comment
    At that point we decided to do 10 arenas for flush and stop because we were facing only these teams over and over again. What you gonna do, dodge the entire server cuz server is dead and u face only counters? It's okay to face counters, happens, but when it happens 1,2,3,4,5 times in a row, and most of all its THE SAME TEAM, you really need to stop, theres no point.
    Priest Rogue is one of my favourite 2s comp but sadly it's not strong like it was years ago or on retail s8. Peopleplayed the same expansion for years and learned new tactics to counter them.

  8. July 8, 2018  
    i'm playing with disc atm and im wondering.... with the gear we have cause its ulduar gear (aka furious season im wondering whats better to get all pieces furious gear or play with sum of the 226 ilvl gear i have) atm im playing around 500 resillience with Darkmoon death and Bandits insignia... it's great burst but sometimes it ****s my gouges. :P.

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