1. Paymentwall Scam?

    I just donated 10.00 eurs to get premium account to skip que obviously and I had to use the only way this site allows via credit card payments aka : `PaymentWall`
    Now, they made me wait 10 minutes then suddenly some random screen popped up saying : Inquiry
    Then, they asked my personal informations, I gave them assuming these are all security processes.
    Now, they got all infos they asked for yet it froze on `verification` process for a whole 30 minutes.
    After that, verification code being sent to my mail on their side and there was literally no box or anything to fill on warmane site nor they provided a link or a box or anything to proceed further.
    Now they don't give a shred of damn about the issue with their so called `fast direct mail reply support` after I sent them 3x mails about the issue telling what happened one by one including screens such as this one : https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HwYSgekz.jpg
    Is it on warmane side approval required action or are they scam artists? Did Warmane recieve my money or Paymentwall keeps it?
    I give them 3 hours then I will call my bank and retract the money, will this end up you banning my account? Because if they keep the money I will get back from them and I will still pay 10 eurs to get donator with a different card trying to avoid this random garbage inquiries.
    After all these fishy stuff, my account rank is still 'Regular' not 'Premium' and I don't have any 10.00 coins installed on my account.

  2. Considering there is a https://paymentwall.pissedconsumer.com their reputation is not good at all...
    Well anyway, probably the best bet is to give it 20 hours considering no help on their side then to cancel payment via bank and call the police for fraud to get the best results.
    Edit: All is good now "suddenly" help arrived in 2 minutes after I informed them I would retract my money and go to the police. Everything went water smooth after and I got my money transferred to warmane and now its premium on site as well as I have my 10 coins.

    You can delete my thread mods problem solved.
    Edited: July 31, 2018 Reason: Update

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