1. So much whining about the titles they gave out jesus. They decided to reward the players this and congrats to them, if your not happy about it then make suggestions to change it for next season. Do not go about the old season. its done, now move on.

  2. Who are you to decide for 10 k people ? , they were the first to play soloq and make it active , even if u're not happy with the reward its done and u have to accept it and not spread your choice , move on.

  3. We are aware of the problem. Problem ensues when we are running out of PvP titles to award for achievement. We were hoping the addition of coins in the top rewards would be enough to differentiate players. We will likely replace Duelist with another title that is not necessarily PvP but unused. We have a few at disposal. With the percentage of players included in the distribution of rewards and the fact it's quite 'middle-field' in terms of player skill, perhaps the title 'Plainsrunner' would fit?
    Instead of finding a new title you can just increase the pool of "Warbringer" instead.

    To be more clear.
    Right now:
    Warbringer title: Top 10% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Duelist (old Conqueror) title: Top 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600

    I suggest:
    Warbringer title: Top 20% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600

    and that is it. You increase "Warbringer" pool.
    Problem solved

    No one would ever complain that there is 1 less title available at Soloq because:
    1. Higher title are already good enough to attract players (Supreme, Gladiator (old Battlemaster), Rank 1)
    2. Soloq is usually the most active bracket and so it will be in the future anyway. (because it is fun, fast etc.)

  4. there would be no reason to reverse back right now , your suggestions could be applied next season

  5. plz remove it with soloq (duelist) its a shame

  6. Where I can see which teams and players got rewards for Icecrown?


  7. Have it like it is, taking back achievements/titles is a really aweful idea you bring to the table, bring forth new suggestions for next season instead and stop complaining already.

  8. I dont know why u all discuss duelist title but not gladiator, challenger and rival..
    The whole point of title is too see what u can do without checking achi.
    When you see someone with duelist u think "ye that guy is good in 2s", when you see rival " that guy is ok in 3v3", when u see warbringer" ye that kid knows how to 123 and backpedal". Why do u even want to compare real 2v2 and 3v3 with joke soloq which was made first of all to let newbs to practice skirmishes and prepare their binds for real 3s?

  9. @beckindan2 how can you compare here with retail? do you think the pvp population is same? top20 is unreachable? u must be jokin rank 20 was 1.8 in 3s LITERALLY 1.8!

    @Proterean anything would fit tbh. As i said before, reaching there is so easy i mean it is beyond easiness. I say next season lower the rank gap like 1-10 not 1-20 so we can have more challenge. That would make ppl work for it.
    Yes but 3s is a dead bracket and need to que it 0-24 for that 1k8, i was referring to 2s which is almost too competitive with crossrealm and constant online 24k players across realms. Population of retail vs warmane doesnt matter cause title distribution would be based on % . And again why should a lowly challenger, rival or even duelist be so exclusive, i got challenger on retail when i didnt even know about pvp titles or even keybinds . On the other hand the titles here are forever not just for a season , meaning half of them are bought chars or earned in the early stages of molten/warmane pvp against unskilled opponents, bugs and much less players .

  10. We are aware of the problem. Problem ensues when we are running out of PvP titles to award for achievement. We were hoping the addition of coins in the top rewards would be enough to differentiate players. We will likely replace Duelist with another title that is not necessarily PvP but unused. We have a few at disposal. With the percentage of players included in the distribution of rewards and the fact it's quite 'middle-field' in terms of player skill, perhaps the title 'Plainsrunner' would fit?

    Solo Queue

    Rank 1
    The Flawless Victor

    Rank 1 of class
    Supreme title

    Top 1% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Vanquisher title

    Top 10% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Warbringer title

    we don't really need 'Top 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600'

    Do not put 'Legit' titles that were rewarded during blizzlike seasons on a custom queue.

    It is simply wrong. and it will turn this into Solo Q mane in the long run.

  11. The crying here reminds me of the crying on smourne. The bastard got smourne from shop and not in legit way, how dare he?

    Now the crying is like: he got a title from soloq not from 2v2 or whatever, how dare he?


  12. The crying here reminds me of the crying on smourne. The bastard got smourne from shop and not in legit way, how dare he?

    Now the crying is like: he got a title from soloq not from 2v2 or whatever, how dare he?

    Couldnt agree more, so much crying about this. This is last season, focus on current season instead and suggest changes..not demand changes of something thats already set and done it like many here does. Taking back or change rewards thats been handed out already is a stupid thing to do and will be followed by countless complaints from community

  13. Considering the competitiveness in PvP, and therefore value that people give to those titles, there's nothing wrong with voicing an opinion about how they were handled (although the ones that offer suggestions, instead of just complaining, are certainly more appreciated). If it's deemed that the titles should be replaced, and it's feasible to do so, that will be done (I don't know how easy or troublesome it would be). It's a fair request/suggestion, after all. So, with all that in mind, players might want to tone down badgering the people voicing that. Whether it's the case or not, I have little doubt that acting like that will just give others the impression that you are clinging to a title you wouldn't have if a better distribution was applied.

  14. Couldnt agree more, so much crying about this. This is last season, focus on current season instead and suggest changes..not demand changes of something thats already set and done it like many here does. Taking back or change rewards thats been handed out already is a stupid thing to do and will be followed by countless complaints from community
    I don't want apes hardstuck backpeddlers on 2.000 mmr in 2s wearing same titles as I do.
    Titles should be removed from them. All these BG ego centric trash deserves to have nothing less.

  15. Hello there,i just wanted to get some answers about my situation.So it is regarding the last arena season and the solo que ladder,as you know i finished as r1 warrior on icecrown with my character Zhongaxd and i was tied with Exyth for r1 icecrown.No where was specified what is the deciding factor in case 2 players had the same rating,only after the season end i got an answer by malaco saying that the one who had less amount of games will be getting merciless glad.I think thats unfair on many levels startng from my late given answer and considering (Shintas) situation last season where he complained and cryed alot on WIT2 discord and on forum and to you guys about getting disbanded and after all got the r1 Tittle + roosters + coins . yet Machine got same r1 + rooster + coins . So x2 r1 Tittles were gived just becouse shinta complained and got it.This never happened before so i want at least some justification done here,i had the same rating as the r1 player on soloq icecrown therefore i think i should get r1 aswell,please consider this because i think its unfair because we had the same rating.

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