Firstly I'd like to mention this is for the WOTLK realms and secondly this isn't so much a new feature request but instead altering things in the AV BG to make them easier to obtain ect.

Increase passive honor gain from things like killing other players, doing objectives and winning the BG in Alterac Valley since it tends to take longer than all the other ones. I really enjoy the quests in Alterac Valley but many of them are broken on this server so I'd really like to see them fixed and along with them getting fixed make them slightly easier to summon the units or upgrade them. Here are a few examples of how I'd change it.

Reduce armor scrap upgrade cost from 500 to 250.
Reduce supplies needed for ground charge from 280 to 140.
Reduce Rams&Frostwolf Hides/Frostwolfs&Ram Hides required from 25 to 15.
Reduce storm crystals/Stormpike soldier blood required from 200 to 100.

With each of these being drastically reduced and the battleground in general more rewarding it could make for some very entertaining games, with massive ground and cavalry charges along with a boss summon towards the end of the bg. Reinforcements don't need any changes as long as the quests require much less supplies to activate. I'm unsure at how big of a task this would be for the staff but I'd like to see it at least considered since I really enjoy big battles involving npc's&players and on Warmane it'd be extra cool.