1. Mount interface and "LFR"

    Hello everyone, those are my two cents after years of loving this game.

    1) Mop-Like mount interface. I personally believe that even if some of wow mechanics have been seriously compromised (particularly the pvp ones) as long as expansions after WotLK were released, some of the new features introduced were quite interesting. The mount system is one of them; having your mounts shared on the whole account is something really fantastic in my opinion. Now, from a "business" point of view, you may say "This will discourage people to donate for mounts" but I don't think so. I don't believe someone will donate in order to have, let's say, the Phoenix on all of his chars, instead, I see more plausible that someone will donate in order to have more mounts (or to have the 100 mounts achievement) to share on his account. I would extend this feature to anyone but, just in case, you can consider to use it as a premium feature to those who have donated atleast X amount of money. It will have, or better atleast I can't figure it out at the moment, no effect on gameplay at all while instead may be an interesting feature (as well as increasing donations) such as the transmog (which didn't existed on WotLK too).

    2) Looking for Raid / Oqueue system/interface. That was the game changer for me when I used to play on retail during MoP. We can state this: people are different and play differently. I may not have the time to actively play in a guild in order to farm DKps and, after two months, roll a single piece of gear. Also, if I am a new player (which I'm not in my case but you have to account new players in the process of taking care of a server) I can't join good groups requiring those 5.8 gs + achiev in order to join a semi-decent group. I mean, If i have to spend 2 hours to play I want only to play, raid and, possibly, drop something. To me it sounds a nonsense pretending to have high gs and achievements if you're a new player in order to join a raid. Come on, you know how it works, "I can link achiev with my main" and then a friend of yours links the achiev. You know the disease and we may hava a solution to fix it. This is a simple suggestion and I have no ideas about how it should work (maybe, as an "oqueue-raid-leader" you should be able to set some requirements, maybe the drop should not be individual as for the LFR on MoP but a forced group loot that prohibits casters to roll on Deathbringer's will for example, maybe it should recognize your spec and don't allow you to roll on certain items etc) but I think this may be something to consider. Long story short, this is not to avoid being in a guild which is a great experience of course, but should be made to extend raiding experiece to those who don't have much time to follow raid loot hierarchies usually found in guilds, nevertheless, for new players and someone who does not want to be in a guild at all (lonley wolves).

    Last words, I'm only a WoW player since 2004 that still loves this game as the first day. I had the chance to be a game master in some "local" servers and, as far as I think, those are not simple things to do but, I'm sure about it, Warmane staff will make it possible if considered a valid idea.

    Thank you for reading,
    Edited: March 3, 2020

  2. 1 is a very custom change and I don't see the need for it. Same as free transmog scrolls / transmog gear. You want the cool mount on all of your chars? Farm it, it's there to brag about in front of the Dalaran bank and so on, not as a necessity or a birthright. If you're lazy to farm, you've got the option to skip it, but that shouldn't reduce it's exclusivity and gift it to all of your chars.
    2 has been suggested before, another custom change possibly changing the client. The only reason MOP LFR works is that it has a lower difficulty, pretty much same as RDF, here raids don't have that. Raids don't have the casual difficulty. Also, save system would have to be altered so that you can queue after killing one boss and join another group killing another boss. Abusing trash mob boe loot, more gold pushed into the economy and reworking the whole loot system so that you can't loot the same boss twice, it's just asking for more bugs due to custom content.

  3. Regarding 2, I understand your point even if I don't agree. As concerns 1, I don't think is a metter of prestige, I think is something that's cool and even Blizzard realized it during further expansions. I mean, I farm one time each mount, it means I can farm more different mounts not that I don't like farming. It is matter to "optimize" your playing experience.

  4. 1. Warmane could have the feature that the mounts you donated for, not grinded in game, but DONATED for are just mailed to every new toon you make. Still requires level 20/40/60etc to use them accordingly, but are mailed. Try.
    2. That's too much imho. Too much custom content. Will probably require people download custom patches. Would be cool, however, add custom NPC a'la solo arena queue to even HARDER dungeons, like aka "mythic" FoS and PoS. Drops same gear PLUS some extra toys and boss drop x1 EoF per kill. Share cooldown with Heroic setting. Would be a neat, but too much of a custom scripting. Warmane claims to strive to be blizzlike, which is obviously bollocks with so many custom features already in the game, such as game breaking EoF events, charactger trade, item shop and etc. But still, I doubt it will happen.

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