1. Hybrid paladins solo q

    Hi , my suggestion is to make hybrid paladins count as healers in solo q because they have no damaging spell they only dispel and heal etc other than that its just autoattack , or just prevent hybrid specs from queing solo q ( every class hybrids not just paladins ) because most of the times its only trolls and that hybrid pala spec heals a ton so its like fighting triple healer comps everytime ( hybrid pala , disc , ele ) if ur teams doesnt have ms its annoying as hell ,

    suggestion 2 : let us avoid 1 class or 1 comp instead of 2 ppl for example you could ban 1 spec from healers and 1 spec from dps so that u dont get matched with those ??

  2. When you check the match history of high rated reckoning palys you can see that they often top the dmg charts and their healing is usually like 4 times lower than the heal of a dedicated healer. In fact a ele shami or a boomkin does more heal than a reckoning paly.

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