1. July 8, 2021  

    Arena Season 20 | Season rewards

    Greetings Warmane community,

    Arena Season 20 will end on July 21, 2021 on all applicable realms, at 22:00 server time.

    It is important to note that this is the last season with these rewards. At the end of the next season, we will start to utilize the new reward system very similar to the one currently implemented on Frostmourne and Blackrock seasonal realm mode. The reason why we're doing this is because of the age of many of the titles

    All PvP titles, except Rank 1 titles, will be removed at the end of Arena Season 21. At that point we will start utilizing the new system of rewards. All titles, except Rank 1, will be temporary and will only last for one season. This includes the titles rewarded from Arena Season 21 which will be available for equipping during Arena Season 22.

    Fight your way and triumph through thousands of opponents and win special prizes which include exclusive rare mounts and dozens of unique game titles for the cream of the crop PvP players.

    Players will not be eligible for rewards IF: (team itself will remain intact as part of a rank slot)

    • Personal rating is not within 150 of the Team Rating.
    • You do not have at least 70% of the team's games played.
    • Bans for extreme cases of MMR dropping.
    • Removal of the team from the ladder and disbanding of the aforementioned team, thus meaning disqualification of receiving any seasonal rewards in case of extreme MMR dropping.

    We would also like to remind the players that MMR dropping (especially below default rating) or any other form of abuse can lead to disbanding of the team. We will exempt this while done to restart team with a new partner(s) but extreme cases can still lead to team disbanding.

    In order to promote activity in the 3v3 bracket and due to naturally low rating teams occupying top ten slots, players will only qualify for Gladiator titles if they're above 2 000 rating.

    Suspicious activity, win trading and exploiting will result in account suspension and in extreme cases account termination. We reserve the right to change the rewards at any time. This includes the percentages required for rewards.

    Spoiler: Show

    Season 2v2 Rewards

    Rank 1 to Rank 3
    • Duelist title
    • 50 coins per qualifying member

    Rank 4 to 20
    • Challenger title

    Season 3v3 Rewards

    Rank 1
    • Furious Gladiator title for WoTLK
    • Magic Rooster for each team member
    • 150 coins per qualifying member

    Rank 2 to Rank 5
    • Gladiator title
    • 50 coins per qualifying member

    Rank 6 to 20
    • Rival title

    Solo Queue

    Rank 1
    • Furious Gladiator

    Rank 1 of class
    • Supreme title

    Top 1% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    • Gladiator

    Top 10% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    • Warbringer title

    Top 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    • Plainsrunner title

    Mists of Pandaria
    Spoiler: Show

    Season 2v2 Rewards

    Rank 1 to 5
    • Duelist title
    • 20 coins per qualifying member

    Rank 6 to 15
    • Challenger title

    Season 3v3 Rewards
    Rank 1 to 3
    • Merciless Gladiator
    • Magic Rooster for each team member
    • 150 coins per qualifying member

    Rank 4 to 10
    • Gladiator title

    Rank 10 to 20
    • Rival title

    At the end of the next season, we will be using a new rewards system. Details about rewards can be found below:
    Spoiler: Show
    Season 2v2 Rewards

    Rank 1 to Rank 3
    Gladiator title
    Top 0.5 % of players
    Duelist title
    Top 3 % players
    Rival title
    Top 10 % players
    Challenger title

    Season 3v3 Rewards

    Rank 1
    Deadly Gladiator title
    Magic Rooster for each team member
    150 coins per qualifying member
    Rank 2 to Rank 5
    Gladiator title
    50 coins per qualifying member
    Top 3% of players
    Duelist title
    Top 10% of players
    Rival title
    Solo Queue

    Rank 1
    Deadly Gladiator
    Rank 1 of class
    Supreme title
    Top 1% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Top 10% of 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Warbringer title
    Top 30% of total players that have Solo Queue rating higher than 1600
    Plainsrunner title

  2. what about Cata rank1 one titles? those from 2015 and so on? many of them do not match blizzlike requirements. Rank 1 is from 3 and 5s brackets but people got them from 2s brackets.

  3. sorry but i dont see the point that you gona delete all gladiator titles from rank 2-5, coz the new system will give the same rewards like the old system -, there is people who dont have that much time to play every day arenas to be top for Gladiator and and i am one of them, i dont have that time to play anymore for top rank,and i just wana to do bg's after work, and now you telling me that u gona delete my title , you shoud save titles from rank 1-5 , coz they give alot of time to be on top for this titles. i think you should save Gladiator titles too.

  4. Hi everyone specially to STAFF guys.
    Do you think that its worth to gift Gladiator tittle in 3vs3 top 5 since the current top 5 have 1800 rating?. Since this season you cant get shoulders in 3vs3 and the few teams that we have this season.. its not fair at all. People from 2vs2 should be better rewarded than 3vs3 in this season at least.. May be in season 7 (because you can get shoulders in 3vs3) im pretty sure that people gonna play sooo much more 3vs3 and probably its worth to reward better the 3vs3.
    Imagine getting Duelist tittle in 2vs2 with like 2500-2600 rating and also getting Duelist for 1800 rating in 3vs3.. its kinda troll to be honest xD.

  5. I have a question:

    When you win for example the "Challenger" title , you also win the achievement for it.
    Will you also lose the achievement point after the new arena season starts ?

  6. Hi everyone specially to STAFF guys.
    Do you think that its worth to gift Gladiator tittle in 3vs3 top 5 since the current top 5 have 1800 rating?. Since this season you cant get shoulders in 3vs3 and the few teams that we have this season.. its not fair at all. People from 2vs2 should be better rewarded than 3vs3 in this season at least.. May be in season 7 (because you can get shoulders in 3vs3) im pretty sure that people gonna play sooo much more 3vs3 and probably its worth to reward better the 3vs3.
    Imagine getting Duelist tittle in 2vs2 with like 2500-2600 rating and also getting Duelist for 1800 rating in 3vs3.. its kinda troll to be honest xD.

    In order to promote activity in the 3v3 bracket and due to naturally low rating teams occupying top ten slots, players will only qualify for Gladiator titles if they're above 2 000 rating.

    I have a question:

    When you win for example the "Challenger" title , you also win the achievement for it.
    Will you also lose the achievement point after the new arena season starts ?
    No, achievements are permanent.

    sorry but i dont see the point that you gona delete all gladiator titles from rank 2-5, coz the new system will give the same rewards like the old system -, there is people who dont have that much time to play every day arenas to be top for Gladiator and and i am one of them, i dont have that time to play anymore for top rank,and i just wana to do bg's after work, and now you telling me that u gona delete my title , you shoud save titles from rank 1-5 , coz they give alot of time to be on top for this titles. i think you should save Gladiator titles too.
    The amount of players running around with titles is simply far too large and the situation is saturated to say the least. Not to mention that some players obtained titles on entirely different realms or even servers. We always intended to make the titles temporary as they should be.

    You will still have your achievement to show off but if you want to keep the title on, you can only play for it, simple as that. The choice between games and real life is something we all have, we will not reduce or change design decisions simply based off your inability to play.

  7. What will be happening to Supreme titles, they count as Rank 1, no?

  8. What will be happening to Supreme titles, they count as Rank 1, no?
    Yes, they do, as they are indeed Rank 1 titles.

  9. thats by faar the worst pvp change ive seen from warmane. announcing this change 1 week before season end is basically just tricking people. no one would have played this season if they knew this change atleas not in soloq. it means that now people from icecrown who farm achievements cant get rival/challenger/duelist anyone which was super easy back on retail and possible for alot of people on warmane due to top30% soloq. A change of those titles just for 1 season would be the better option, since you could still farm the achievement. now you will loose alot of icecrown pvp players, characters will loose worth on the trade etc.

  10. Might be a good decision, but what do you think?
    Maybe you should make some gift for ppl who will lose titles
    alot of ppl spent a lot of coins to get a character with a title,
    and they paid additional fee for a title, and now they will lose everything

  11. What about implement some new transmog/titles or some new things for S21 ?
    Maybe some transmog from S21 to S25, then other transmog from S25 to S30... ?

  12. Non-PvP titles should stay permanent to allow players to collect them. Reseting the others is fine.

  13. resetting the titles is fine but changing the ability to farm them from soloq is bad. now you get a custom title without achievements on icecrown where people love to collect them

  14. Just to make sure, warbringer titles will be removed too?

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