1. WG Camping

    Why was the spawning location from the portal moved back to it's original position? Now they've just started camping WG fortress 24/7 again, just like they did when you decided to move it into the building. You can't even pick up any quests anymore, because they kill the quest givers the second the spawn.

    I literally can't see a single benefit to reverting the change.

  2. Some pvp players cryed about that, because they can't anymore ruin other people game. So they fix that.

  3. Hey, any news or more info about this, or was it announced somewhere? Is it because of all those alts whining about wpvp on the Frostmourne section?
    So anyway this means alliance can grief and camp the spawn location for free hks again, right?

  4. They're back to throwing WG games so they can farm keep now. The people who spend 8+ hours a day camping fortress are now just standing still in WG, taking up spots doing nothing.
    Complaining on the Forum won't accomplish anything, unless you just want to vent.
    Make proper reports in-game if you want action to be taken against these people.

  5. You need to understand that you have the power to defend those questgivers. What makes zero sense is thinking that moving spawn point was "a fix", while actually it was a "pause" to evaluate whats going on with all the yelling and wintrading.

    By your logic people should be banned if I can't win a single BG in 5 hrs straight. Or I try to go into enemy capital and they keep killing me.

    The game is clear to you - make your raid group and defend this territory as it is intended, instead of trying to pull some cards and win by pulling something from behind the 4th wall. Play the game, we all have the same limits and same rules.

  6. What makes zero sense is thinking that moving spawn point was "a fix", while actually it was a "pause" to evaluate whats going on with all the yelling and wintrading..
    That got reverted by mistake, as confirmed by one of the devs: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/110488

  7. I can't wrap my head around it, interesting things are being cut off, we will end up in a soulless sterile box. Isn't challenging enemy faction like this - a part of what makes the game great? It's been happening 10 years, why is it such a problem suddenly? What happened?

  8. Who said it's suddenly? Seems more like it has been getting progressively worse to me. Kinda like multiboxers' growing "teams"... which didn't become a problem "suddenly," but reached a point where we decided to intervene and create limitations.

  9. I can't wrap my head around it, interesting things are being cut off, we will end up in a soulless sterile box. Isn't challenging enemy faction like this - a part of what makes the game great? It's been happening 10 years, why is it such a problem suddenly? What happened?
    If it was really about enjoying the game and wanting to PvP, the group wouldn't stop camping in WG just because the spawn was moved. However, they stopped once it was moved, clearly indicating it has nothing to do with playing and enjoying the game but ganking and abusing that one or 2 people that click on the portal. With that in mind, I personally don't see why the enemy faction ought to be forced to make a dedicated raid group just to clear the fortress and enter a raid while avoiding passage tax (read: ress sickness/death run).

  10. Right, but camping organic "crossroads" or "points of interest" where there is traffic of people is very obvious thing. Of coarse it stopped when spawn point was moved, I mean, I can sit all day in Silithus with my 40player raid group and waiting for PVP to "happen", but it wont. Sure you can "tick a box" - there is world PVP, just go and PVP in Silithus, stop abusing people. But that's laughable. There must be such places where players can exert control over the world in a meaningful way, where it's worth to fight over it.

  11. PvPers will always go for the "forced" traffic locations. WG portal, Icecrown Citadel entrance, Frozen Halls entrance, Dark Portal, Thrallmar & Honor Hold, Borean Tundra. Or they go for common quest hubs: Few mentioned above, Nagrand and Zul'Drak arenas, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, Un'goro, Sholazar Basin, K3, Barrens, Wintergrasp.

    Why go chasing for one or two people in a galaxy far, far away, when you can pick a spot where they walk right into your arms.

    It's easy to gank teleport locations as they are out in the open, and the gankers will have the drop on the player who clicked that portal. wPvP instigators don't really care about fairness to be honest. They only care about disruption, winning, flexing with their little peepee numbers, annoying others, and generally being hindrance. Feel free to prove me wrong.

    It's just funny how people have the nerve to attack only when they have upper hand.

    I know I haven't been active in the game lately, but can't honestly remember when I last had even remotely fair wPvP situation.

  12. I can't wrap my head around it, interesting things are being cut off, we will end up in a soulless sterile box. Isn't challenging enemy faction like this - a part of what makes the game great? It's been happening 10 years, why is it such a problem suddenly? What happened?
    What's interesting about making it impossible for people to do WG quests? They (you, probably) stand there farming people 8-12 hours every single day (not an exaggeration) because HK farming in AV is apparently too much work. You're forcing their hand by abusing it. That's why things changed. You can compare it to how event vendors / quest givers typically start out at a normal size, but has to be made larger because people start blocking them by mounting up and making their char bigger with consumables.

    You only have yourselves to blame.

    Edit: I forgot to mention people intentionally throwing WGs so they can continue farming. One WG I noticed an entire raid group (the same people who camp fortress) on the west side of the fortress, just standing still, doing nothing. One time they even made demos there, and did nothing with them. Just taking up vehicle spots so they would lose. If you have 40/120 actively sabotaging their own team, you're just begging for Warmane to take action.

    Again, you only have yourselves to blame.
    Edited: April 19, 2022

  13. PvPers will always go for the "forced" traffic locations. WG portal, Icecrown Citadel entrance, Frozen Halls entrance, Dark Portal, Thrallmar & Honor Hold, Borean Tundra. Or they go for common quest hubs: Few mentioned above, Nagrand and Zul'Drak arenas, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, Un'goro, Sholazar Basin, K3, Barrens, Wintergrasp.

    Why go chasing for one or two people in a galaxy far, far away, when you can pick a spot where they walk right into your arms.

    It's easy to gank teleport locations as they are out in the open, and the gankers will have the drop on the player who clicked that portal. wPvP instigators don't really care about fairness to be honest. They only care about disruption, winning, flexing with their little peepee numbers, annoying others, and generally being hindrance. Feel free to prove me wrong.

    It's just funny how people have the nerve to attack only when they have upper hand.

    I know I haven't been active in the game lately, but can't honestly remember when I last had even remotely fair wPvP situation.
    That is exactly right, but ganking, disruption, etc is just a sub-product. Of coarse players will be killed and denied to go some places where stronger players have stacked the deck. No need to assign malice to it. All those things can easily be attributed to asserting dominance in territory, in a world that is in constant state of war. It's literally in the design of the game, you fight for things and everyone gets a dagger up their *** sometimes. I don't understand why players think that asking for a change in rules is how to win this, instead of playing. Those "gankers" should be easy, kill them once and they will log off, since they only live to win, disrupt and all that.

    And btw, if you go in a "fair fight", you already made a mistake. Fair fight means you use everything there is without cheating, that means killing someone 3vs1 is fair, killing a guy with 5% hp is fair, putting dots on and hiding behind a tree is fair.

    What's interesting about making it impossible for people to do WG quests? They (you, probably) stand there farming people 8-12 hours every single day (not an exaggeration) because HK farming in AV is apparently too much work. You're forcing their hand by abusing it. That's why things changed. You can compare it to how event vendors / quest givers typically start out at a normal size, but has to be made larger because people start blocking them by mounting up and making their char bigger with consumables.

    You only have yourselves to blame.

    Edit: I forgot to mention people intentionally throwing WGs so they can continue farming. One WG I noticed an entire raid group (the same people who camp fortress) on the west side of the fortress, just standing still, doing nothing. One time they even made demos there, and did nothing with them. Just taking up vehicle spots so they would lose. If you have 40/120 actively sabotaging their own team, you're just begging for Warmane to take action.

    Again, you only have yourselves to blame.
    What's is interesting is why would you think you deserve to do those quests if you can't defeat the enemy? Can someone explain the logic here? If I go one place and there are players that kill me - I can't go there, unless I make it happen. That sounds perfectly reasonable and fair. So what's the deal here?

    And yes, losing on purpose seems breaking the spirit of the game, however if instead of assigning blame to players playing game within it's bounds, you would make a raid and wipe them out, no one would lose on purpose, because it would mean nothing. So err, you are to blame for people losing on purpose, right?

    In general, where can players go, display their strength, incite and inspire opposing force for great world pvp, defend their faction? Cities? Camping Auction NPCs for 1hr where everyone is blue and just goes to another city? Fun? It's already dead aspect of the game, and people are missing out of greatest memories and adventures, trading them for literally scripted events and asking the world to be made into cardboard cutout. What will be the next thing that is "disruptive and all the rest of the words"? Just phase each player in their own little world, no disruption, no toxicity, utopia?

  14. Imagine people wanting to have fun in a game, and not wanting that to be what someone decides is "acceptable fun."

  15. Imagine people wanting to have fun in a game, and not wanting that to be what someone decides is "acceptable fun."
    Yeah, that's completely crazy concept in an MMORPG. Unbelievable.

    Please give us the inside info scoop, single player realms - when?

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