1. Onyxia Hunters

    am i only hunter who thinks this thing kidna needs fixing cous

    1. range u have to stand 3times farther then icc (yeah i know its vannila)
    2. traps cant be used during pvp so rends them ussles
    3. pets dont have skills like few of them

    i know this is intended to be vanilla progresive realm but will this kind of hunter adjustmens gona keep thruout
    whole onyxia realm? or it just gona be like this until it reaches TBC content

    cous currently hunters are kinda weak...

    some of u may say its issue of skills but some class dont even need skills to play
    Horic strike Heroic Strike Heroic strike Charge stun

    mage polymorf imobilization and just stand close to you 3m away u cant hit u cant shoot u cant set trap

    and so on and i know im not the only main hunter player that feels like this

  2. Maybe a vanilla server is not what you really want to play?

  3. It will be like that for a while.

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