1. Please make it so shaman can need cloth

    I assume druid has the same issue but it's annoying when you cant need on healer gear as shaman. My stats suck because all healer gear during leveling is cloth.

  2. Same with pally too I'm sure, they all have to use a lot of cloth, kinda silly you can't need what is usually int/+heal gear.

  3. It is not fair for cloth users as leather/mail/plate classes could roll on their gear and they could only roll cloth and nothing else.
    Priests, Mages and Warlocks should have a priority for cloth items over a Holy Paladin or Resto Shaman when it comes to default need/greed loot system.
    There are enough leather/mail/plate items that give healer stats, so don't be greedy. If nobody else needs that item then just ask politely if they can pass it to you.

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