1. Gang the Gong. Scarab lord Title and Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal Mount

    Good afternoon everyone.
    These last days I have just completed the Vanilla Classic Chain Quest about the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. It's a 32 chain quest that includes World bosses, Classic raids and some friend's help. And TIME, so much TIME.
    I have got The Scepter of the Shifting Sands, that item that you need to hut the gong and to get the Title and mount. But I haven't received that quest.
    I have waited also more than two hours and asked so many peoplle and all of them said me that the last quest is unavailable. I have checked the Mount Store on the Web site and you can't purchase that mount.
    I was sure about I have seen this mount on Lordaeron's server (that is the server where I play) and I have a photo that demonstrates this fact.
    Please, GM, can you share to my character that last quest?
    Thank you so much for your attention.
    I don't know how to link the image to that forum, but I have it. To protect his Identity, I'll not write the name of the character that was using that mount.

  2. That was a questline available when the game was transitioning from Vanilla to Burning Crusade. Lordaeron is on Wrath of the Lich King, years after that event was completed. There's no completing that event or quest in Lordaeron or Icecrown.

  3. I have seen a 2023 created character on that mount, and I created my characted in 2016. The transition that you said was before 2016 for sure, so can you explain me how that character has obtaind the mount on Lordaeron server? I don't know how to post a picture right here, but if you wriite me an email directon I can send it to you.
    I don't care the titlle or the achievement, the onlly thing I want is the mount.
    Edited: April 25, 2024

  4. Some people have that mount, I'm not sure of the circumstances (arena season rewards?)

  5. lottery or arena sometimes has it as reward

  6. lottery or arena sometimes has it as reward
    Yes! In fact, it is the current reward. https://www.warmane.com/account/lottery

  7. You can buy it on store too,if you donated enough.

  8. I have seen a 2023 created character on that mount, and I created my characted in 2016. The transition that you said was before 2016 for sure, so can you explain me how that character has obtaind the mount on Lordaeron server? I don't know how to post a picture right here, but if you wriite me an email directon I can send it to you.
    I don't care the titlle or the achievement, the onlly thing I want is the mount.
    The transition happened on retail. Lordaeron was Wrath of the Lich King from the start, there was no event there. The ways people can have that mount have been listed above by players. Completing the quest has no effect, GMs won't give you the final quest nor the mount.

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