1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    Possible Race Change?

    As the title suggests, I was wondering if a race change would be possible, possibly real soon? Why? I've just done some experiments on other servers with instant 70 in preparation for TBC and to do it better than I did in Classic but I made my Undead character before this experiment. So now, being in Vanilla stage, I've grown tired of Undead and want to be Troll and try other things in PVP as Troll. Perhaps other people would like to race change? I don't know, I don't see a lot for it but perhaps this post will be the place for others to express their desire, if any.

    Thoughts? And thank you Warmane staff for this server!

    Edit: I should mention, NO FACTION CHANGE! I meant race change within your faction. Just to clear that notion.
    Edited: 3 Weeks Ago

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Yes please, and allow us to use points, just like the other servers.

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Store updated with BWL items and stoll no race change service :(

  4. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Yes please, and allow us to use points, just like the other servers.
    We've been asking for Vote Points Shop to be added for Onyxia for quite some time now, to no avail...

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