1. Toon on character select screen but his name is gone and I cant play as him

    a lot of my old redundant toons are gone, which i get and is fine but i have 3 toons left, a 69 priest named Metacooler, a 65 DK named nothing (he used to be named Bartlesby) and my 38 hunter Yuyan. Whats going on with that? =/ I know i haven't played in a bit but this seems unintentional on the side of the devs who wiped my unused lowbies. Anyone else have this happen?

  2. Inactivity Cleanup and Gold Squish for a healthier economy

    Also unnamed characters can be played once you give them new names.

  3. How do i rename him? i can't use him and i dont wanna lose that toon.

  4. Try to enter the world, it will say login failed, then try to enter the world again and it will ask you for a new name.

  5. well ****, that was easier than i made it out to be. Thanks!

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