1. Help about Server

    Helloo guys, i need your help. I wanna start playing on Warmane but i can`t decide witch server is better. I cant play all day because i have a job, only casual . Thanks

  2. Icecrown is more active than Lord , but the players are way better on lord than icecrown (more friendly,my opinion).

    So if you dont mind the leveling experience and you dont want to just farm icc non stop , lord is a better alternative.

    At the moment i am leveling a ret paly, and i queue as Tank/dps/heal. I m always getting instant queue.

    Seal of Crusader help with the aggro as tank , 8% crit help a lot as healer as well , and dps , well everyone can dps

  3. Icecrown is more active than Lord , but the players are way better on lord than icecrown (more friendly,my opinion).

    So if you dont mind the leveling experience and you dont want to just farm icc non stop , lord is a better alternative.
    Poor take.

    Icecrown and Lordaeron are played by similar kind of people. You get douches here and there, but you get randoms that are kind too. People are far more kinder in guild chats, just letting you know.

    Icecrown and Lordaeron both have Player adjustable experience rate, so you can level with x1 rates if you wish to do so on Icecrown. Not to mention, Icecrown has its fair share of achievement hunters, completionists, twinks, old raid enthusiasts, PvP enjoyers. We are Legion, for we are many. Saying Icecrown only cares about ICC is just poor uneducated propaganda from a narrow minded fool. I mean, we have Ruby Sanctum too!

    I recommend trying both, Icecrown is probably quicker to try as its pace is faster compared to Lordaeron's. Not to mention, Icecrown doesn't offer tuned bosses like Lordaeron does.

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